Seagulls' Delight - gathering on sandbars near the sea grasses

It was on a trip to the New Jersey Shore several years ago where I photographed some delightful scenes that inspired me so much I just had to paint them.

One of the scenes was of a flock of seagulls spreading out in groups to enjoy the lower tide and the sandbar now exposed just out from the shore of a small marsh lake.

Living in Virginia Beach most of my life, I’ve become accustomed to seeing gulls and hearing their laughing calls both at the water’s edge and inland spots. I always enjoy their busy activity and their response to people and the natural life around them.

This time I wondered what they were all jabbering about together. Was this like a late afternoon tea time where they would catch up on the day’s happenings and enjoy each other’s company? Or was there something more?

Perhaps this newly exposed area and the shallow tidal pools formed became places where they could easily grab some tasty treats buried not so deeply in the sand or not too far below the water now. Maybe it was time for rest and camaraderie. Or could this be just the appetizer and readying for the next round of more serious hunting, as they would circle and dive, hoping their aim was right to capture a fish in their strong beaks?

Whatever the reason for this particular gathering that I was privy to see and capture, it was a delight to paint it and hang it as the last of the blue-themed paintings I planned for my newly decorated bedroom.

Being by the water brings joy to my soul, along with all of the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. I trust you will feel the delight of the seagulls too as you enjoy my newest painting!